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About Us

If you’re reading this…

…then you will most likely want to know more about who we are, how we put the ‘A’ in Awareness, and what drives us to do what we do?

Thank you for being here and we hope you will enjoy this read.

Let’s start with the heart of the matter.

At Awareness Avenue, our goal is to provide meaningful keepsakes that last, and connect human beings during their most special moments. To raise awareness with donations and specific contributions that provide aid and support to the people and places who need it the most.

We hope that together, we can leave the world a better place while strengthening the bond between us, our customers, and loved ones. Our shared goals can create an intertwining chain of relationships that improve society and can promote change.


What do we do differently?

Awareness Avenue is not just any jewellery brand. Unlike others, we take huge pride in committing ourselves to you; our exceptional customers.

How do we go about proving this you might ask? And you’d have every right to! Allow us to explain.

When it comes to our services, we don’t make decisions without YOUR opinion first.

Yes; you who are reading this right now. As a cherished customer, you will notice that we will every so often need your opinion in surveys asking precisely what you’d like to see offered in our store. Every design, test, production and launch of our jewellery range is based on your feedback. Our product and messaging selections are entirely community-driven.

During the founding of our store, we asked ourselves- how can we set ourselves apart from our peers and become a brand to remember?

How can we inspire the maximum confidence from our customers while also standing 100% behind our products and what we do?

The answer became our combined policies of the 180-day Customer Satisfaction Guarantee and our Lifetime Shine Warranty.

We are extremely committed to your experience and take great pride in our products and services, that we just have to have your back during the entire life cycle of our products.

Sounds too good to be true? Well, it isn't. We simply offer an explanation of how much we value your business, time and support.


We’ve come a long way.

Awareness Avenue was founded in 2016. Our first line of jewellery consisted of a few pieces of semicolon, and “I am enough” rings. We served a small yet passionate community, but over time, our customers made it clear to us that we had the potential to achieve more. This is the reason we decided to expand our collection and style, while maintaining our core message and goal.

Along with our gift cards, personal customization and meaningful messages we really can have a positive impact on our customers' lives, and be there to celebrate their most beautiful moments. We can also do so much more.


The 3 mantras that dictate everything we do.

Undoubtedly, global consumption has reached heights of unsustainability, and we want to reinvent how our customers spend their hard-earned money. From clothes to smartphones, tablets to PCs, even the food we eat have become throw-away purchases which end up meaning little in the grand scheme of things.

However, nothing can change from sitting around and complaining. So we will do what we do best; bring back the meaning and joy of spending money on things that matter. Whether for yourself or someone you love, our goal is to make lasting keepsakes that provide happiness and make those special moments memorable.

  1. Let’s bring back the meaning of how we spend our money. When you purchase something from us, we want it to be a perfect, cherished, and deeply meaningful experience. We achieve this by offering valuable products, and showing how we give back to you with our exceptional customer care, charitable donations and a more than fair returns policy and warranty that you can benefit from.

  2. Jewellery that we can stand behind. For us, nothing is more important than your shopping experience. This is why we offer our 180-day Satisfaction Guarantee in combination with our free Lifetime Shine Warranty. These offer the assurance that if you don’t LOVE what you recieve or have any other issues with your product, then really we can’t accept your money. Your happiness sustains us.

  3. Experiences that make sense. The things we spend our money on matter less and less these days. We want to break this trend and offer nothing but meaningful experiences through quality jewellery in a transparent way that makes sense to you.


Thank you for your love and support.

Awareness Avenue has been a journey for our entire team. It’s been challenging at times, but the belief we have in our purpose here, inspires us every step of the way. We truly appreciate our customers who have been there for us, and we’ve been able to see the impact we’ve achieved in their lives.

We have received hundreds of beautiful stories about how our products have helped change our customers' lives and expand their relationships; even saved some lives in difficult situations- for which we are truly honoured and grateful.

The thousands of beautiful customer reviews have brought tears to our eyes and filled our hearts with pride.

…and we hope this is just the beginning.

We will continue to listen to you, and will always ensure that what matters to you, matters to us.

Thank you for reading this and learning more about us and what we do. It is our hope this mission statement satisfies you enough to serve you in the future.

Don’t miss out on how we can change the world for the better

Bye for now!
The Awareness Avenue Team

If you want to know more do not hesitate to reach out for us on and we will make sure to get back to you within 12-24 hours!